Career Time Line
1967 - 1973 University of Glasgow.
1973 - 1975 Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
1975 - 1994 ILRAD, Nairobi - Kenya.
1994 - 1996 The World Bank, Washington DC
1995 - 1996 University of Saskatchawan, Canada
1996 – 1998 Biotechnology Advisory Panel, Australia.
1997 - 1999 Biotechnology Alliance Australia Limited
1997 - 1998 University of Queensland, Australia
1998 - 1999 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
All about Dr John Joseph Doyle
Dr John Joseph Doyle known to his close friends, family and colleagues as "Jack", was a veterinary surgeon and scientist who devoted his life to the reduction of poverty, malnutrition and environmental degradation in developing countries. To this end, he worked for 20 years in Africa.
In 1975, he became one of the original scientific staff members of the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD) in Nairobi. This led to his subsequent appointments as ILRAD’s first Director of Research in 1983 and its first Deputy Director General, in 1991. In the latter role he contributed substantially to the strategic planning of the new International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), which was established in 1994. Dr Doyle died of cancer in Glasgow on 29 June 1999, at the age of 55. Below are articles that summarise some of Dr. Doyle's significant and eventful journey.